Edge of Seventeen

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

On her 17th day in the NICU, Ezri is really starting to show that she has inherited her mother's overachieving genes.

To all of our shock and amazement, she took 6 out of 8 of her feeds by bottle. This evening, her nurse took out her feeding tube to suction her nose and decided to just leave it out since she is doing so well. She said that if they need to tube feed her anymore, they can just temporarily put another one in and take it right back out. It's such a funny thing to see her with no tape plastered to the side of her face or to have to carefully position the end of the tube so she isn't laying on it. At this point, we're just waiting for our girl to take all of those feeds by the bottle and we'll be on our way home. Her weight is now up to 4 lbs. 13 oz. so we will most definitely be bringing home a 5 lb. baby.

Today's supercute hat came courtesy of Grandma Lynn and Pop-Pop. It was a huge favorite with all of the nurses.


Anonymous said...

What a little peanut! She really is just too sweet for words. I LOVE that she's getting the 'Bradley' cheeks. Give her kisses for us and hopefully things will continue to go well so she can get home and we can see her soon! I'll be wearing a surgical mask until then so I don't get any germs. :) Love you all!

Anonymous said...

I am so happy to hear that she is progressing so well. She'll be home in no time at all!